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ux/ui · creative longread
Welcome to our vibrant journey into the mesmerizing universe of Yayoy Kusama, a visionary artist who has left an indelible mark of the world of contemporary art.

Kusama art

At Spot Design Agency we embarked on a non-commercial creative project for the Yayor Kusama longread website, diving into her kaleidoscopic world and bringing it to life.

Honors at Аwwwards
Site of the day at King of the day
Featured in CSSREEEL
Insipred by Kusama's unparalleled creativity and daring vision, we sought to capture the essence of her work, drawing from her signature moves to recognizable techniques.
Our mission was clear: to tell the captivating story of her art in a manner that resonated with her artistic spirit and made her work accessible to a global audience.
Date / 2023
Name / Coffee app
Category / Household app
From the moment visitors land on the website, they are greeted by a whimsical sea of polka dots that come to life as they explore her work. These dots create an immersive experience that mirrors the infinite expanse of Kusama's imagination.
Kusama's life story and struggles have played a significant role in shaping her art. We dedicated a section of the website to tell her comelling narrative, showing how her personal journey is interwoven with her creative expression. Users can read her story while feeling her art, providing a comprehensive perspective on the artist behind the masterpiece.
Kusama's vibrant use of color is a testament to her zest for the life and creativity. We drew from her vivid palette to infuse each page of the longread website with an explosion of colors. The website shifts and changes with each scroll, reflecting Kusama's ever-evolving artistic journey and the emotions she conveys through her work.
Tilda Publishing
Come join us as we venture into the world of Yayoi Kusama, where her signature moves and recognizable techniques are celebrated, and her artistry is honored in a way that's as bold and captivating as her own creations. Explore the infinite with us, and let Kusama's world unfurl before your eyes.
Our non-commercial creative project on the Yayoi Kusama long read website was a labour of love, paying homage to an artist who has pushed the boundaries of contemporary art. We hope that our design captures the essence of Kusama's work and takes visitors on a visual journey that echoes her creative spirit.
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